Thursday, 18 August 2016

How to use RFID Technology for Logistic Development?

RFID, or simply put, Radio-Frequency Identification is a technology that has been shaping new scopes in business. RFID utilizes small chips that use electromagnetic fields for easy tracking and organizing things. RFID tag chips can be active or passive in terms of their power source. Passive tags draw energy from their nearby reader's radio frequencies and active tags have a local power source like a battery of sorts. RFID tags have numerous uses in all kinds of industries. RFID integrated cards are used in public transport for automated monitoring and identification of regular travelers. Because of them not being much bigger than a grain of rice, RFID tags are easily implanted in pet animals and even humans for easy identification. The hospital and healthcare industry uses the technology for managing mobile medical equipment, improve patient workflow, monitor environmental conditions and protect the staff, patients and other visitors from health hazards. RFID tagging system has been slowly rooting out the barcode systems from libraries. A small little tag can act as source of information which can be used as a key to a database or even a remote control when integrated with appropriate sensors, but the most common and significant use of the RFID tagging system is its functionality as an excellent tool for logistic development.

RFID is an excellent tool for flow control and adds strategic value to the whole process of manufacture, logistics, wholesale and retail industry. This technology helps enterprises increase enhance their quantity and accelerate the flow of work. Big time suppliers and retailers, Wal-Mart is one of the notable examples who opted for this technology and change their way of work. Wal-Mart requests all their suppliers to add tags on all goods plate, the vessel, the box and the high profit products. Because of its recent high demand, there is expected to be a great fall in the technology's price. Companies are slowly starting to discover the outstanding advantages of integrating this technology in their procedures. Soon, majority of all enterprises will have fully functioning work flow, optimized by RFID tagging systems. In the field of logistics, tag identification system can be of very high significance and a true game changer.

Expenses to hire manpower for barcode scanning can be cut short easily by replacing them with read-write equipment that automatically identifies the consignments. This will reduce labor costs in a way that the difference will be apparent and positive. It is also less time consuming. A properly functioning RFID set-up will also diminish the chances of human error when it comes to stock mistakes. With such a set-up, it is easy to keep track of all of the assets a company owns and grants insights on past records so that they can make plans for the stocks in need. With probably a hundred more advantages to a hundred more industries, the RFID tagging technology is apparently changing the world and it’s clearly visible.

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