Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The 3 Phases of Building an RFID Mass Reading Application

Because UHF RFID has progressed so much since its inception, readers are able to read, on average, about 700 tags per second and interpret the data. This faster, highly efficient RFID tag read rate makes it possible for mass reading applications to emerge in several industries, most prominently in supply chain management.

A mass reading application is a simple way to describe an application that relies on reading a large volume of RFID tags, usually in a specific area within a given timespan. Applications most often fitting this description are applications within a warehouse or a high volume inventory of items within a confined space (e.g. a box).

While the capabilities exist within UHF RFID to make these applications successful, often the planning, purchasing, and set-up of equipment can be time consuming and technical in nature.

Phase I: Planning
It is necessary to start the planning stage with the specific application thoroughly vetted and a reasonable objective or known goal. Without a defined goal, the application could get off track with arbitrary ideas and end prematurely due to lack of funding or scope creep.

In mass reading applications, the goal is to read every single tag – meaning 100% (or near 100%) accuracy. Before purchasing any equipment, the first step is to map out the application area. Each area is going to be unique depending on the items tagged, the width, length, height of the area, and the number of tags in the space.

Once the overall application area has been assessed, it can then be broken down into mappable read zones in order to simplify the process and ensure that every angle is covered. Ensure that no part of a read zone is too wide or too deep so that no tags will be left out. The size of each read zone will determine the number of antennas required to cover it. Small zones, or ones requiring a proximity read, can likely be covered with a single antenna; larger zones may require two or more antennas to capture all tag reads. A few examples of mapped read zones are shown below as well as an image showing staggered zone antennas.

Phase II: Purchasing
Mass reading cannot be accomplished without carefully selecting the right RFID hardware. Below are important points to consider when purchasing the major elements of an RFID system for mass reading.


Determining which RFID antennas to use, as well as testing them, will likely be the most time consuming part of the RFID system setup. 


The best RFID readers for this type of application are fixed, high-performance readers like the Impinj R420, ThingMagic M6, and Alien F800 – all considered workhorses in the RFID industry. 


The choice of which RFID tag to use will be affected by the material and shape of the tagged item.

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